Q1. How can I test your tips?
A1. There will be 1 free tip that falls on the first weekend matches (Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday) of twice a month.
Q2. What are your winning tips specialized in?
A2. Please take note that "Asian Handicaps" are most played, but we are also specialized in over or under / odd or even / Home, Draw or Away win / Team to score first or no goal. (Noted, all games are in 90 Minutes with injuries time only.)
Q3. What is the winning odds of your tips?
A3. The minimum winning odds will be at odds S$1.80 and above at the time of tip release.
Q4. What are the best winning methods of investments?
A4. The best of all and the easiest way is by joining our membership, member tip will be released in our exclusive membership session upon login.
Q5. What are your payment methods?
A5. 1) Payment method will be via PayPal. Credit type of Master or Visa.
2) Singapore DBS Current Account: 054-904405-9
3) PayNow: UEN: 53256541W
Q6. When can I receive the tips that I purchased for Single Tip?
A6. The single tip will be sent to your email address, mobile message or WhatsApp once we received payment, the latest will be at our official time 2300hrs. For Single Tip, please kindly purchase 1 Day (24 Hours) prior, only going according to successful transactions. Late payment will be deemed for the following day.
Q7. What if the match is canceled or postponed?
A7. There will be no refund of the amount as a replacement tip is replaced on the coming weekend matches.
Q8. When can I purchase the tips?
A8. You can purchase the single tips as early as possible, this will improve your winning chances. Please note that our operating hours from Monday to Sunday: 1500 hrs to 2300 hrs (Singapore time +8). Kindly purchase 1 Day (24 Hours) prior, only going according to successful transactions. Late payment will be deemed for the following day.
Q9. What is the best time for members to view his member tip?
A9. The member tip and free tip will be out at 2140 hrs and 2240 hrs on Friday night GMT +8 Singapore time respectively. Please note that member's privilege for free tip viewing will be at the earliest time possible.
Q10. What is the timezone to refer to for the matches?
A10. Please refer to GMT +8 Singapore time as you make your purchase especially after midnight which is considered the next day matches.
Q11. Why are your tips released not played on the actual date?
A11. As all our predictions are based on scheduled matches, please check on finalized dates as it may subject to change.
Q12. Why are some matches (International or league) play are on another home ground?
A12. As those matches played are on neutral ground, we are not responsible for the wrong placing of the team's name, as we predict on opponents rather than home team advantage.